7 Reasons Why Cuba Is Safe

Cuba is one of the safest countries to visit. You can feel you’re safe on every step you make, be it on long beaches of Varadero peninsula, narrow colonial streets of Trinidad, vivid parts of Havana or when visiting Cuban rain-forest.

1. Police on every corner

In Cuban cities, towns and countryside there will be a lot of police staff. Because they keep very much away from tourist and are friendly with the locals it makes you feel sage. They laugh a lot and their easy-going communication fits with the reason you came to Cuba – relax and explore the country. If anything, you should avoid taking direct photos of the police. Like in any other country.

2. Caring people

You will not believe, but the Cuban people may be very talkative with not money begging agenda. They are interesting in how you live, how you laugh and what would please your needs. Some of them approach only to practice English on you. One day in Trinidad we went to the cash machine (ATM) and while I was getting my wallet out of the pocket a pen fell out on the ground. The local that stood behind me waited I did my thing on the ATM and then handed me the pen back. And yes, on many street corners there may be people making money from the tourists, but they are not very pushy and it depends on you wether to take their taxi / horse riding / cuban cigar offer or not.

3. No dangerous animals

There are many animals everywhere around you, but they are mostly not dangerous. You can walk through Cuban rain forests bare-footed.

4. Strict drug policy

Cuba has strict drug policy, so there is no drug-related violence and crime. People get high from music, dance and joy on the street which is not ruining them.

5. No organized crime

When my 5 year old son didn’t want to do the high-five thing to a local playing a guitar on one of the markets in Havana, the musician said: “In Cuba, we are no bandits!”. Many locals say that Cuba is mafia-free. And they are proud of this.

6. Food is nice and delicious

Food served in casa particulars and even on the street is always tasteful. There is little chance you’ll get to throw up or get diarrhea from food. Some people just do not like sweet potatoe and they can avoid it.

7. Good medical care

Cuba has one of the most reliable and professional healthcare systems in the wide region. Many people from Canada, Latin American countries and even from the US come to Cuba and trust Cuban doctors to take care for their severe illness. In Cuba the medications are available in pharmacy like in any other country. There are many ambulance vehicles present on the streets so they could be called on their emergency telephone number. Just make sure you have a valid medical insurance that covers at least 50.000 USD of costs that will cost you around 120 USD for the whole year.